ABS: Atom$n
ABS: if a=1 b then x else y
ABS: '$x'1
ABS: '$x'2
STM: atom1 sq
STM: atom2 sq
ABS: eq_atom$n(x;y)
STM: eq atom wf1
STM: eq atom wf2
STM: decidable atom equal 1
STM: decidable atom equal 2
STM: assert of eq atom1
STM: assert of eq atom2
STM: neg assert of eq atom1
STM: atom-test1
ABS: x:T||a
DIR: atoms-paper
STM: free-from-atom wf1
STM: free-from-atom wf2
STM: free-from-atom-outl
STM: free-from-atom-outr
STM: free-from-atom-nat
STM: free-from-atom-l member
STM: free-from-atom-subtype
STM: free-from-atom-int
ABS: |x|
STM: abs-val wf